

Technically correct and impartial investigation is a crucial area for employers to be able to defend:

  • all unfair dismissal claims
  • all adverse action claims
  • all bullying claims
  • all harassment and discrimination claims
  • all allegedly false workers compensation claims.
  • claims and Commission or Tribunal applications regarding disputes and grievances

KMIR can assist by providing Katrina Murphy’s expert services as an independent investigator.  We offer twenty years experience in expert, smart and insightful investigations.  We will give you candid and frank advice on conflict of interest issues to ensure that you are not investigating something to which a Commission or Tribunal will find you had a personal or professional conflict of interest with.   

We can and will ensure that your investigation methods and outcomes are impeccable and unquestionable.   Our expertise in this area includes cases with a medical focus, particularly workers compensation and disciplinary cases where health issues are involved.

For further advice and information on this topic, refer to the ‘Articles’ section of the KMIR website.